Crested Gecko General Information
Crested Gecko Images
In recent years, crested gecko images have appeared all over the Internet as their popularity...
The Appeal of the Crested Gecko
What is the appeal of the crested gecko? What is it about this particular reptile...
Crested Gecko Books
When you want to learn more about the unique crested gecko, books from can...
Housing and Tank Setup
Babies & Hatchlings
Crested gecko babies are barely an inch in length when they hatch and their care...
Crested Gecko Care Sheet
Scientific Name: Rhacodactylus ciliatus
Description: The crested gecko is a nocturnal omnivorous reptile that gets its...
Crested Gecko Housing
Crested gecko housing should make the animal feel secure and comfortable, yet provide plenty of...
Crested Gecko Substrate
Crested gecko substrate is one component of habitat setup that is variable and debated by...
Crested Gecko Tank and Habitat
The crested gecko habitat can be as simple or as elaborate as you choose. A...
Caring for the Crested Gecko
Caring for the crested gecko is relatively easy if you are prepared. You should have...
Other Care Tips
Preparing the Crested Gecko for Breeding
Preparing the crested gecko for breeding is relatively easy but requires certain elements to be...
The Crested Gecko Bite
The crested gecko bite is something that is rarely felt. They are a very friendly...
Crested Gecko Supplies
In order to set up the proper habitat and take care of your crested gecko,...